“No Apogee Systems Found” in Apogee Maestro or "Waiting on Device" in Apogee Control software and my interface is not recognized

If your Apogee interface is connected to your computer, but not recognized by the Maestro or Control software, there are a few reasons this can happen:

  • First, make sure you have installed the latest Apogee software for the version of macOS X you are running. All Apogee software and drivers are free. Head to our Downloads page to make sure you are up to date: 



Try doing a hardware reset on your Apogee device. Here's a list of links on how to do this:

If you are not logged into your computer under an Administrator account

Apogee Maestro or Control will not properly recognize the Apogee interface if Mac user is logged into a Guest Account.  Maestro simply says “No Apogee Systems Found”.

  • Confirm you have latest Apogee software installed, go to Apple Menu > System Preferences > Show All > System Accounts > My Account view > Set User Name to Admin, restart the Mac and Maestro will now launch successfully.