Using Legacy interfaces (AD16x, DA16x, Rosetta) with Symphony64 card or Thunderbridge

This article lists features and installation precautions of the latest Symphony I/O Installer package.

To Update:

  1. If youʼre installing this release over a previously installed version of Symphony 64/Maestro 1, you should run the Symphony64 Uninstaller before updating to the current Symphony Release installer. If youʼre installing this release over a previously installed version of Symphony I/O software, you should run the Symphony Uninstaller included with the current Symphony Release installer package. If youʼve installed both versions, you should run both uninstallers.
  2. Double-click the Symphony System Software Installer and follow the instructions provided by the installation application.
  3. No firmware updates are required – the Symphony IO Firmware Updater is for Symphony I/O users only.
  4. You will be required to re-start your computer once installation is complete.

After Updating:

After updating, verify that the Symphony Source setting (found in the Maestro 2 System Setup tab and Audio MIDI Setup) is set to the appropriate Port setting:

  • If interfaces are connected only to Port 1, set Source to Port 1 Chs 1-32.
  • If interfaces are connected to both Ports 1-2, set Source to Ports 1-2 chs 1-64.

New Features – Legacy interfaces

  • The “A” icon that previously appeared in the Apple Menu bar has been removed – Look in Maestro 2ʼs Toolbar System Status display for system information.
  • To distinguish between an AD16X and DA16X when the interface is set to Advanced routing mode or a Rosetta 800 and 200, the setting Device Type is provided in Maestro 2 (Device Settings tab). This ensures that audio paths displayed in the Input and Output Routing tabs correspond to the actual hardware I/O. If neither a 16X Series in Advanced routing nor a Rosetta is connected, the Device Type drop down is not displayed.

Known issues – Legacy DA16X Interface

  • When a single DA16X is connected in Advanced routing mode, it will initially appear as an AD16X. Simply choose DA16X under Maestro 2ʻs Device Settings Device Type drop down menu for the interface to be correctly detected.
  • When using Symphony I/O and legacy interfaces together, Routing tabs may not display the proper number of inputs and outputs. To work around this issue, restart the computer.
  • The AD16X may initially be detected as a Rosetta 800. Workaround – restart the computer.

Using Legacy Apogee Interfaces with Maestro 2

  • Note that the use of only 1 Symphony 64 card is supported regardless of the interface connected.
  • When connecting legacy Apogee interfaces to a Symphony 64 PCIe card or Thunderbridge, ensure that the interfaces are connected in a supported hardware combination, as listed below. With a Symphony 64 PCIe card or Thunderbridge, itʼs possible to connect one supported combination to each port.
  • When connecting both Symphony I/Os and legacy Apogee interfaces to a Symphony 64 PCIe card or Thunderbridge, connect the Symphony I/O to Port 1 Channels 1-32 port and legacy interfaces (in a supported combination) to the Port 2 Channels 1-64 port.
  • Legacy Apogee interfaces donʼt include Loop clock functionality (as found on Symphony I/O). Thus, when legacy interfaces are connected to a Symphony 64 PCIe card or Thunderbridge, the “Use Loop Sync” checkbox does not appear and Loop sync functionality is defeated on the Symphony I/O. Use one of the clock configurations described on pages 6-7 of the Symphony 64 Userʼs Guide v1.1.

Legacy Interface Supported Combinations

See the Symphony 64 Userʼs Guide v1.1 for connection diagrams 1 to 4 Rosetta 800s 1 to 4 Rosetta 200s 1 AD16X (standard routing) 1 AD16X (advanced routing) 2 AD16X (standard routing) 2 AD16X (advanced routing) 1 DA16X (standard routing) 1 DA16X (advanced routing) 2 DA16X (standard routing) 2 DA16X (advanced routing) 1 AD16X (standard routing) + 1 DA16X (standard routing) 1 AD16X (standard) + 1 DA16X (standard) + 1 AD16X (standard) + 1 DA16X (standard) 1 AD16X (advanced routing) + 1 DA16X (advanced routing) 1 Rosetta 800 + 1 AD16X (standard routing) 1 Rosetta 800 + 1 AD16X (advanced routing) 1 Rosetta 800 + 1 DA16X (standard routing) 1 Rosetta 800 + 1 DA16X (advanced routing) 1 AD16X (standard routing) + 1 Rosetta 800 1 AD16X (advanced routing) + 1 Rosetta 800 1 DA16X (standard routing) + 1 Rosetta 800 1 DA16X (advanced routing) + 1 Rosetta 800 1 AD16X (standard routing) + 1 DA16X (standard routing) + 1 Rosetta 800