Symphony I/O Mk II Dante Troubleshooting

How can I "ID" my hardware Symphony I/O from Dante Controller?

To identify Symphony I/O hardware from the Dante Controller application:

  1. Open Dante Controller, then choose Device Device View or double-click on a Symphony I/O device label anywhere in Dante Controller.
  2. In the Device View, click the eye icon. Symphony I/O's front panel power button will rapidly blink for several seconds.
  3. When multiple Symphony I/Os are connected to your Dante network, the ID function allows you to match each Symphony I/O detected in Dante Controller to a specific hardware Symphony I/O.

Symphony I/O loses communication with Dante Controller - Hardware Reset

If settings such as ID and sample rate are made in Dante Controller but not reflected by the Symphony I/O hardware, reset Symphony I/O by pushing and holding the front panel power button for at least 10 seconds, then powering the unit back on.

Once Symphony I/O is recognized in Dante Controller, use the Dante Controller's ID function to verify that communication has been re-established.

Symphony I/O parameters such as calibration and monitoring aren't recalled when changing between Audio Interface Modes.

Each Symphony I/O audio interface mode has independent non-volatile memory, so parameters changed in one AIM won't affect the same parameter in other AIMs. In those instances where a consistent setting is required across all AIMs, it's recommended to note them manually then re-enter them in the remaining AIMs.

The front panel chassis sample rate (displayed in white) is flashing

Flashing of the the front panel chassis sample rate (displayed in white)  indicates that an external clock source rates doesn't match the Dante network rate (in Dante AIM) or the Pro Tools system(session) rate (in Dante + PTHD AIM).

  • In Dante AIM, ensure that the external clock rate matches the Dante network rate, as set in Dante Controller Device View Device Config tab. 
  • In Dante + PTHD AIM, ensure that the external clock rate matches the Pro Tools system (session) rate.

 If you're not using an external clock source but the sample rate is flashing, set Symphony I/O clock source to Dante Network:

  • In Dante AIM  – Set Symphony I/O clock source from the front panel OLED Home View. Tap the Clock Source button, choose Dante Network in the displayed dropdown menu, then tap OK.
  • In Dante + Pro Tools AIM -  Set Symphony I/O clock source from the Pro Tools application: In Pro Tools, choose Setup menu Hardware. In the Pro Tools Clock Source dropdown menu,  select Optical [Encl]. This corresponds to Dante Network clock source on Symphony I/O.

After toggling to Thunderbolt AIM, Symphony I/O isn't recognized by your Mac

On Symphony I/Os equipped with both the Dante + PTHD Option card and Thunderbolt card, it's possible to toggle between three audio interface modes: Dante, Dante + Pro Tools HD and Thunderbolt. 

After toggling to Thunderbolt AIM, it's necessary to hotplug the Thunderbolt cable before Symphony I/O is recognized by your Mac.

Reset the Dante/Audinate system by moving their Plist file to the trash

Using Finder, navigate to Library > Preferences folder, and find the com.audinate.dante.common.plist file. Move this file to the trash.

Restart the computer and THEN empty the trash.