Rosetta 200 Sample Rate Conversion

When using SRC (Sample Rate Conversion), the following conditions must be met:

Make sure that the Rosetta is not clocked to an external source. In order for it to perform SRC, the Rosetta must be set to the sample rate of the destination device and must be set to its own internal clock. Please refer to page 6 of the Rosetta 200 User's Guide for step-by-step instructions for SRC.

Note: It is not possible to use SRC with the Source set to "option":

When an option card is installed and the "Source to Digital Outs" is set OPTION, it is not possible to set the Rosetta 200 to a different sample rate than the session sample rate of the DAW. This makes it impossible to send audio out of the DAW at one sample rate and then send it out one of the Rosetta 200's digital outputs at a different sample rate using SRC.