How to use Apogee MiCs and Interfaces with Facebook Live on a computer (Mac & Windows)

Everyone’s using FaceBook Live to connect with their friends, fans and customers, but how can you stand out from all the other FaceBook Live streams? Higher quality audio! With Apogee mics and interfaces, your message will be clear and crisp, while background noise and room echo will be significantly lower in volume. Plus, with an Apogee headphone output, you won’t have to strain to understand others - voices are distinct and clear. 

How to use Apogee MiCs and interfaces with Facebook Live on an iPad or iPhone (iOS)

Step 1 - Connect your Apogee Interface

You can use any Apogee interface, but those interfaces that include a microphone are the most convenient, such as Mic, Mic96, Mic Plus, HypeMic and ONE. Using the appropriate cable, connect the Apogee interface to your Mac or Windows device.

Step 2 - Create a Facebook account and launch Facebook Live

Once you’ve created a FaceBook account, you can start a FaceBook Live event from the Create Post section of your home page, or go to

Step 3 - Set up FaceBook Live to use the Apogee interface and test.

Mac & Windows:

  • In the Live Producer window, click Use Camera in the Live Video Setup section.
  • Click the Mic icon to select an Apogee interface.
  • If the Apogee interface is selected in System Preferences > Sound as the Input & Output device, then the interface appears twice in the list - once with the prefix ​Default​, and once with no prefix - there are important differences between the two selections as described in the chart below.

Element & Ensemble Thunderbolt

Default: Inputs 1-2 summed to center-panned mono; input gain auto adjusted No Default prefix - Inputs 1-2 hard-panned Left-Right, set input gain manually

Quartet, Duet, ONE

Default​: Inputs 1-2 summed to center-panned mono; set input gain manually No Default prefix - Inputs 1-2 hard-panned Left-Right, set input gain manually

HypeMiC, Mic+, JAM+

Default​: Input is center-panned mono; input gain auto adjusted
No Default prefix - Input is center-panned mono, set input gain manually

MiC 96k, JAM 96k

Default​: Input is center-panned mono; set input gain manually
No Default prefix - Input is center-panned mono, set input gain manually

You can check your Camera and Audio system by recording a Live session that only you can see - set Share to your Timeline to Only Me, then click Go Live. Once you’ve recorded a bit, click End Live - you’ll be able to play back the recorded video without it being visible to others.