Is your Audio coming through the Ensemble on the wrong output channel?

Is your Audio coming through the Ensemble on the wrong output channel?

On Ensemble Thunderbolt the Main Outputs 1-2 are TRS, while the next 8, Channels 3-10, have a DB-25 port, for a snake cable.

Screenshot 2023-07-13 at 2.10.00 PM

This can get a little confusing if you do not relabel your DB-25 cable.

DB-25 snakes will come with numbers so you know which channel is which on the snake itself, 1-8.

Screenshot 2023-07-13 at 2.11.29 PM

But because this is connected to Outputs 3-10 of Ensemble, it has created a two channel offset, where Output 3 of the hardware is coming out snake XLR 1, and so on.  Very confusing when you pick up the XLR and it says 3 but is actually Output 5 of the Ensemble!

So, best to take some board tape, or label maker, and change the numbers on your snake cable ends to match the unit.  Change 1 to 3, 2 to 4, 3 to 5, and so on, so the cable ends read 3-10.

This will make it MUCH easier to know what channel you are plugging into when picking up your snake ends.