Activating Apogee Plugins

The iLok License Manager App is the key to unlocking your Apogee Plugins.

By using the License Manager, you can Redeem your plugins to your iLok account, and then Activate them on up to 2 separate computers.

In this article, we'll explore a couple of common situations in which you will need to use iLok for accessing your Plugins, as well as the process of activating and deactivating Plugins from within your iLok License Manager App.

What is iLok?

    iLok is a software license management tool used for validating and keeping track of your plugin licenses.

    Premium software/plugins generally require an unlock code to gain full access - iLok keeps all of these difficult-to-remember codes in one place and allows access to your software without needing to manually unlock it every time you use it.

    Think of the iLok License Manager App as your plugin keyring, with each license being a different key.

    By deactivating on one computer, and reactivating on another, you can bring your plugin licenses with you where ever you, please! 

    A Note About Physical iLok's:

    A physical iLok USB device is NOT always required - with the iLok License Manager App, most Plugins (including all Apogee software) will allow you to activate on the computer itself.

    Still, certain software do not allow this, in which case you will either need an iLok Cloud account & access to the internet, or a Physical iLok if you intend to work offline.

    Redeeming & Activating a Free or Purchased Plugin

    This work flow assumes you already have an iLok account, and the iLok License Manager app installed. If not, go to and create a new account/download the License Manager application.

    1. Shortly after any Apogee plugin purchase/ registering of bundled hardware, you will receive a License Code via email.

      • This code will be used to Register your plugin to your iLok account, and Activate it to your device.
    2. Completely QUIT your recording software (DAW)
    3. Open the iLok Manager Application and log into your account.
    4. Once logged into your account, click the oval icon with 3 dots in the top right corner to Redeem your new License Code.

    5. You will be prompted for an Activation Code - Copy/Paste the License Code that you were emailed, then click "Next."
    6. This will Redeem the code to your iLok account- now, the next step is to Activate the plugin on your individual devices.
    7. In most cases, you will want access to your software on the device that you used to Redeem the code - in this case, when asked whether or not to Activate your code to this device, click yes!
    8. If you were not asked, you can also highlight your plugin(s) of choice, right click, and select "Activate" as shown here:
      • You can also highlight your plugin(s) and click the Check Mark button in the top right corner of the iLok License Manager Application:
    9. Now, all you need to do is open your DAW, launch your plugin, and make some music!

    Note: Now that your plugin has been redeemed to your iLok account, you can easily move them between devices  ...more on that later.

    Activating a Rent to Own Plugin

    Again, this workflow assumes you already have an iLok account, and the iLok License Manager app installed. If not, go to and create a new account/download the License Manager application.

    1. After setting up a Rent to Own purchase, your license will automatically be redeemed to your iLok account.
    2. To activate it on your device, simply highlight your plugin(s) of choice, right click, and select "Activate" as shown here:
      1. You can also highlight your plugin(s) and click the Check Mark button in the top right corner of the iLok License Manager Application:
    3. Now, all you need to do is open your DAW, launch your plugin, and make some music!

    Moving Licenses Between Devices

    The real beauty of iLok is the ease with which you can move plugins and software from computer to computer. Whether you're bringing your plugins with you into the studio, or simply getting a new computer, by deactivating your plugins on one device and reactivating them on another you can easily bring your plugins with you wherever you go!

    Below, I'll demonstrate the basic procedure of doing this - for the sake of this demo, I'll be moving my ApogeeFX license from one of my computers to another.

    1. On the first computer, where the Plugin is currently Activated, find and highlight the Plugin you want to move in the iLok License Manager App
      1. Note, the ApogeeFX is a group of a few different plugins. By deactivating this group, we are freeing up ALL of these licenses.
    2. Deactivate the Plugin by right-clicking and selecting "Deactivate," or click the X button in the top right corner of the iLok License Manager Application.                   
    3. The Plugin is now DeActivated on the first computer, meaning the License is free to be ReActivated on another device of our choosing.
    4. On your second computer, log into your iLok License Manager Application 
    5. Find and highlight the Plugin you want to Activate on this computer
    6. Activate the Plugin by right-clicking and selecting "Activate," or click the Check button in the top right corner of the iLok License Manager Application.              
    7. You have now successfully moved a Plugin License from one device to another! Go forth and make beautiful music! 


    Redeeming a Plugin, While Setting Up Your iLok For the First Time

    So what if you don't already have an iLok account, and want to get your first Plugin set up? The video below walks through this process for first time iLok users - users who already have an iLok account setup should default to the above steps.

    That about covers it! iLok can be intimidating at first, but by better understanding how it works, you will benefit immensely.